Jacek Połap
Few words about me
I have been a corporate business professional for over 30 years. Mentor and coach. Change agent. I think of myself as a modern leader with wide experience in several business sectors. I am flexible in approach, constantly looking for new areas of development, definitely young at heart. I am a skipper, drone operator, author of literary works (to the drawer), amateur drummer, promoter of the Pecha Kucha presentation.
My leaders philosophy is to take full responsibility for development, encourage the clash of ideas in diversified teams and help young leaders find their own identity. I am strong through calmness, infect with optimism, look for the possibility to build new order out of chaos. A blogger for many years, vloger for a few.
I provide support to people who are ready for change and who are looking for a new deal in their professional life.
I am searching for the tension between the current and the desired state of affairs, I help to mark the path to the goal and accompany you on the way to success. I am ready to advise you long after the contract is over.